Instagram mame čije profile volimo zbog iskrenosti
Instagram mame čije profile volimo zbog iskrenosti

Instagram mame čije profile
volimo zbog iskrenosti

A post shared by Anna Maria (@anja_mari) on

Biti Instagram mama danas je, u nekim slučajevima, i punopravno zanimanje. Kako su se društvene mreže razvijale, tako se razvijala i cijela nova struja influencera u različitim sferama, pa se tako dogodio i pojam Instagram mama. Radi se o mamama koje sve svoje dnevne priče s obiteljima i djecom prenose u fotografije na profilu, slažući slagalicu, koja je u većini slučajeva apsolutno idealna.

Kada se dogodio prevelik broj profila na kojima je sve savršeno, kada su takvi profili počeli izazivati anksioznost kod onih koji su osjećali da nisu dovoljno sposobni, kada smo se svi kolektivno pitali otkud im vrijeme da sve to stignu održavati u perfektnom stanju, određen broj mama se “pobunio” i počeo iznositi apsolutnu istinu. Djeca su naporan rad, rijetko su savršena, ne žele pozirati, rade nered gdje god stignu i zanovijetaju. Jako daleko od slike koju je većina prikazila na svojim profilima.

Iskrene Instagram mame

I takve su mame privukle svoju publiku duhovitim dosjetkama, realističnim pričama, zabavnim događajima s kojima su se druge mame mogle poistovjetiti te je njihov broj followera samo rastao. Danas, kada je savršenstvo na Instagramu, bez obzira na temu profila, dosegao visoku razinu zasićenja, ovakvi su profili itekako dobrodošli i baš ih volimo pratiti.

Postoji nekoliko različitih vrsta profila iskrenih Instagram mama. Neke će fotografijom pokazati kaos za duhoviti efekt, dok će druge pisati iskrene tekstove na temu majčinstva i svih problema na koje obitelji nailaze. Mi smo ih povodom današnjeg Majčinog dana okupili šest koje volimo iz svih navedenih razloga, no u bespućima društvenih mreža ima ih jako puno pa možete otkriti svoje favorite.




Mother’s Day Weeeeeeeekend mooood! In ideal world I would be spinning martinis after a spa day, all zen in my fancy robe, in a real world I will be happy if nobody sits down on my chest at 6:00am but let’s me sleep in till luxurious 7:30am and possibly brings me a crumbled piece of bread to bed and maybe a sip of coffee, cause to be honest I know I will be perfectly happy in the mad house. Happy weekend guys!}}@gracehotels • • • • • #mother #motherhood #instamom #motherofboys #jestembojestes #thehappynow #pursuepretty #postmoreportraits #thatsdarling #uniteinmotherhood #kidsstyle #livethelittlethings #momentsofmine #documnentlife #feelfreefeed #ig_kids #instagram_kids #honestmotherhood #nothingisordinary #thepursuitofjoyproject #darlingweekend #momsofinstagram #humansofjoy#friday #friyayg #gracehotels

A post shared by Anna Maria (@anja_mari) on



No one ever thought I would have a family. Back in the day, I think people were placing bets on whether I’d even make it to 30. But I did. ✨ And here I am. @matthewlud & #EulalieWilla are my besties. Sometimes I try to imagine all my dreams without them, and it all turns grey. Having never known them, I could have been happy alone. But now that I have them, I’m never letting them go. ? That said, not half an hour after this was taken did Eula start to break down (tired toddler), and then not half an hour after that Matt and I got into a fight—I shit you not—over whether the morel mushrooms we made were a sauce or a side. Tired parents. Obviously it wasn’t really about mushrooms, but that’s what started it. (And obviously they were a sauce! Haha) And then we made up (but not before I sobbed like a crazy person), and sat under the stars talking and laughing way past our bed time. ? Why tell you that? Because all lives have imperfections. All relationships have hurdles. And you aren’t alone. So if anyone (including yourself!) is placing bets against you: wake up! You’re amazing. And you’ve got this. ⚡ If you’d like to find some resources on social media & slow living to get you started, head over to or click the link in my profile to get our latest Instagram Growth guide! I’m currently spending allllll day behind a computer screen creating loads of resources for people who are in the shoes I once was in (want to start, don’t know where! Want to grow, don’t know how!)—so go get it so I’m not missing Paris picnic weather for nothing!! ?? • • • • • • #letthembelittle #mymotherhood #ilovemyhusband #workingmama #workingmomlife #theeverydayproject #habitandhome #motherhoodinspired #motherhoodunplugged #joyfulmamas #ohheymama #honestmotherhood #motherhoodsimplified #worldoflittles #oureverydaymoments #unitedinmotherhood #mytinymoments #motherhoodrising #bossmom #momtrepreneur #nestandflourish #thesimpleeveryday #livemoremagic #myeverydaymagic #ofsimplethings #posttheordinary #mylittlelove #momhustle #momboss

A post shared by BETH KIRBY (@local_milk) on


I have taught Ren everything I know about how to be a refined young lady ?

A post shared by Eva Chen (@evachen212) on

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