Ljubitelji sira i papra, ovo morate probati – cacio e pepe kokice
Ljubitelji sira i papra, ovo morate probati – cacio e pepe kokice

Ljubitelji sira i papra, ovo morate
probati – cacio e pepe kokice

Ako volite talijanske okuse, možda će vas zanimati novi trend – cacio e pepe kokice. Inspirirane su legendarnim rimskim jelom cacio e pepe, koje se sastoji od pecorino romano sira i svježe mljevenog crnog papra. Sada je ova kombinacija prenesena na kokice, što stvara jedinstvenu poslasticu.

Ova grickalica je dobra alternativa klasičnim kokicama, što ju čini idealnom za druženja ili filmske večeri. Osim toga, recept je brz i jednostavan, što ga čini praktičnim za sve koji žele nešto novo i lako dostupno.

Kako napraviti cacio e pepe kokice:

Priprema je relativno jednostavna i zahtjeva samo osnovne sastojke:


  • 1/3 šalice kukuruza za kokice
  • 15 g naribanog Parmigiano Reggiano ili Pecorino Romano (oko 1/2 šalice)
  • 1-2 žlice maslinovog ulja
  • 1/8 – 1/4 žličice svježe mljevenog crnog papra (ili po ukusu)
  • sol po potrebi


  • Pripremite kokice u loncu.
  • Prebacite kokice u veliku zdjelu i ostavite sa strane.
  • Rastopite maslac u tavi i prelijte ga preko kokica.
  • Naribajte preko kokica lagan i pahuljast sir.
  • Dodajte svježe mljeveni crni papar.
  • Probajte i po potrebi dodajte sol – imajte na umu da je sir već slan.

Pasta inspired popcorn?! Cacio e Pepe popcorn uses those iconic flavors of Parmesan + black pepper and it makes the most divine snack! It’s simple but some of the best popcorn I’ve ever had! Couple things, you must use freshly grated Parmesan. I’ve found that using a microplane to grate the Parmesan gives you the most delectable shavings. Typically you’d use freshly ground pepper for cacio e pepe pasta but for this popcorn I like to use regular granulated black pepper because it really gets into every bit of the popcorn. This flavor combo has been on my popcorn list for a while and it didn’t disappoint! #popcorn #recipesforyou Cacio e Pepe Popcorn - Pop 1/2 cup popcorn kernels on the stove with 3 tbs neutral oil OR use 2 bags of unsalted microwave popcorn. Melt 4 tbs of unsalted butter with 1 hearty tbs of olive oil. Place the popcorn into a large bowl and top with the melted butter and olive oil, 1/2 tsp sea salt, 1 tsp granulated black pepper and about a 1/2 cup grated Parmesan. Toss until the popcorn is coated. When you are ready to serve, top with more grated Parmesan and black pepper!

♬ original sound - Jacqui Saldana

Foto: Istock, TikTok

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