Najpopularniji tata Instagrama

Najpopularniji tata Instagrama


Ovog je vikenda na radar medija diljem svijeta došao jedan tata koji je svojim Instagram profilom oduševio sve. Prvenstveno zato što je apsolutno iskren, veoma duhovit i bez imalo uljepšavanja donosi svakodnevan život sa svoje četvero djece.

Najbolje od svega je da se radi o ocu četiri djevojčice, od kojih su dvije bebe blizanke, a ako se u računica doda i njegova žena to znači da je daleko brojčano nadjačan. I to je uglavnom fokus njegove dnevne borbe, kao i nedostatak sna, što se događa kada ga žena ostavi samog s djecom te sve dnevne nepodopštine koje mu klinci pripremaju.


Fotografije uparuje s duhovitim kratkim pričicama, a u rekordnom je roku skupio preko 200 tisuća pratitelja, uglavnom roditelja koji se itekako mogu poistovjetiti s njegovom situacijom. S obzirom na trend uljepšavanja koji vlada društvenim mrežama, osvježavajuće je kad netko na realističan način predstavi život iz svoje perspektive. Pogotovo kada se radi o jednom zabavnom tati.

Nekoliko fotografija pogledajte ovdje, a Simona Hoopera možete pratiti na profilu @father_of_daughters. I obavezno pročitajte priču uz sliku!

Well that was fun. @mother_of_daughters is away with the eldest 2 so I have the twins. Delilah was up & down last night more than a yoyo who’d necked a crate of redbull. As a dad, I usually have inbuilt noise cancelling and can sleep through an thrash metal gig but last night was something else. The neighbours must have thought I was skinning cats with a wooden spoon at 3.30am – the noise was endless – the kind of noise that cuts through you & drains you of any memory of who you are or what you’re doing until your brain dribbles out you ear. They seem to have forgotten the whole experience and moved on. I’ll just scoop up my eye bags so they don’t drag on the floor. To top it all, the car is broken so I can’t get to my brother’s birthday. A shocker of a day so far. #brainonthefloor #alongwiththeeyebags #brokencar #twins #comehomeplease #parenting #fatherofdaughter #dadlife #instadad

A photo posted by Simon (@father_of_daughters) on

Why does bathtime always involve cramming as many family members into one of the smallest rooms in the house at the same time? I guess the eldest 2 like it as it’s like a cheap version of the sea life centre. They get to watch these weird pink slippery things splash about and generally contort themselves out of these chairs while sucking the life out of some sponges. Clemmie and I are there just play life guards and crowd control. I should charge admission. Just avoid the dirty nappies at the door and the water EVERYWHERE. Actually, forget it – Health and safety would definitely shut us done. #waterstaysinthebathgirls #bathtime #sealifecentreathome #cheapentertainment #twins #mygirls #theyneverstayinthesechairs #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

A photo posted by Simon (@father_of_daughters) on

Foto: @father_of_daughters

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